29 August 2010

back to school?

School starts tomorrow. Yikes. yikes yikes. What happened to my summer? I want corn on the cob, barbecues, baseball, vacations. . . NOT books, teachers, and Logan full of boy-crazy girls and freshman and their parents. Seriously. If I get one more complaint at work from a tenants daddy, I am going to shoot.

Aaannnyway. I'm hoping this year will be okay. Tips from a Senior in the Sales and Marketing program: enter any contest you can find. That way I will be able to do the fun designing and rendering stuff while learning about the business and marketing side as well.

Here's to a new school year. cheers.


Sara Ann said...

Woo hoo! I want to hire you to be my interior designer if we get this townhouse we are trying to buy. Do you take payment in baby kisses?

keisha egbert said...

Absolutely!!! I miss that baby of yours!! She is growing up so fast!! I love your canada pictures on your blog! so fun! :) i hope you get the house you are wanting! it looks gorgeous! good luck!