25 November 2009

The Luckiest Girl Alive=me

OH my goodness life is crazy. It's been such a long while since I've blogged. I feel so sad about it--BUT. i couldn't do anything about it:
2 days before part 2 of 4 of my big interior design project was due, my computer decided it was sick of working so hard to finish my projects my deadline, and just stopped. working. AHHHHHH! And to top it all off, I had forgotten to listen to my dad when he said save EVERYTHING on your flash drive, just in case something happens. oh geez. So I had lost a weeks worth of work 2 days before due date. I cried and called my daddy.
lucky thing #1: My dad is so great that he drove all the way up to logan and helped me set up makeshift laptop so I could get started on re-doing my project.
lucky thing #2: my dad worked long and hard searching for my project and the next morning--he found it!! Oh my gosh I was so happy I cried again.
lucky thing #3: I was able to finish my project with only working 4 or 5 hours on tuesday and 8 hours on wednesday with 1 hr to spare before deadline. WHEW!! I have the best dad ever.

So I've been using this makshift laptop that doesn't have wifi on it and so all my "spare time" at my apartment before bed couldn't be spent blogging. so sad. :(

part 3 of 4 of my interior design project (the model of my house) was turned in last wednesday and part 4 is what i'll be working on this weekend.

but now I am in st. george for the thanksgiving weekend and i am so happy for a break even though most of it will be spent working on my homework.

okay, so now I feel all caught up on my blogging and i promise I won't miss any more. :) I haven't been able to read anyone elses blogs either. so so sad, but I just got caught up on everyones life, and now that my computer is hopefully fixed, i won't have to miss out anymore.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

05 November 2009

Turning in Tiny House part 1 and Late Halloween

  • wake up--7 am
  • walk into sophmore studio--8:05 am
  • begin the finishing up of part 1 (presentation dwgs) of tiny house project--8:10 am
  • lunch--11:15am-11:18am
  • finished printing finalized drawings--3:00 pm
  • started spray mounting drawings onto dreaded foam core--3:10 pm
  • found out I made a mistake on floor plan--3:45 pm
  • turned laptop back on, fixed, and re-printed floor plan--4:00 pm
  • re-cut and spray mounted--4:15 pm
  • cleaned up supplies--4:30 pm
  • took final boards up to Interior Design office (due by 5)--4:45 pm!!!!!!!
  • WE MADE IT!!

Tia and her project "Gala Affair"

Me and my project "Pente"!
Only 2 more parts this semester to go!!

We had a party at our apartment that included a disco ball, music, and jack'o lanterns.

and you can't forget the homemade root beer with dry ice!

I was a poodle skirt girl ;)

Jessica the cowgirl, me the 50's girl, and Beckah the vampire

My roommate McKell and her friend Paula as grannys

We watched a scary movie after and had a fun time eating candy and goofing around!!

3 things I love most:

Weddings! I'm thinking of doing Event Design for a while after I graduate!

Old Black and White Films

That new baby smell! (and new baby face! :))

03 November 2009


Hooray! It's that time of year! As soon as Halloween is over, I pop out the Christmas Music!! It's been so fun getting ready these past couple of days with Jingle Bells in my head! I love it sooo much and can't wait for Christmas this year!! How do you guys feel about Christmas Music this soon? I know people who don't listen until December 24th, and some people that listen to it September 15th. . .who are you?