12 December 2011


Gilmore Girls is awesome. Everyone knows that--right! And Lorelai says it exactly how it is--exactly how i'm feeling right now. . .


From 4:01 to about 5:13. You can watch the whole episode if you want. . .(I would. :) there's some great Milo Ventimiglia action in there), but that minute says it all.

AND then, on Thursday, hopefully will be feeling like this. A little crazy, a little fake-drunk, a LOT great!:

Lorelai: I am feeling so good, sista, because it's over! No more finals, no more studying, no more school, the pressure's off. Do you know how much pressure I felt, do you? All last week I felt like a giant man and his brother were sitting on my chest.
Rory: A giant man?
Lorelai: And his giant brother.
Rory: Did they have names?
Lorelai: Clem and Clem. Huh, same names, which did not reflect well on the imagination of their mothers.
Rory: Mother.
Lorelai: Mothers. There were two Clems.
Rory: Yeah, 'cause they were brothers.
Lorelai: Yes, so they had mothers. . . .

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I love that episode!