23 July 2011

Donghia San Francisco

Working at Donghia was the best experience of my life. I met people that I will be friends with forever. It was THE hardest thing I have done, but so worth every second.

These are my lovely coworkers:

Terry, Jessica, Me, Valarie, Karen
Anna, Christy, Natalie, Anjali

This is where I worked every day. The materials library. I pulled fabric samples for designers and end users, I straightened boxes, and put samples back when people brought them back. Jessica and I talked and laughed the whole time. We ordered missing samples and mailed designers stacks of samples. I did "shops" around the showroom by finding specific colors or types of fabric.

This was my favorite lunch! Some days I would walk up the road to Safeway and get a Chicken Caeser Salad and Vitamin Water. YUM!

And this is what I took home with me! Lots and lots of discontinued samples to play with!

I had such a great time in California and I will never forget the things I learned or the people I met!


Sara Ann said...

I am so proud of you! Good girl:)

The Van Tassells said...

I can't believe how brave and grown up you are and all the things you had to do by yourself out there in the crazy town of San Fran! I'm also very proud of you! :) And I love that they gave you free fabric! You can't beat that!!!