20 December 2011

food, friends, and justin bieber.

my girls and I wanted to celebrate our fast-approaching graduation, so we got
together one night and had a feast! We talked, laughed, ate, and watched the Justin Bieber movie!!! I had never seen it before, and it made me love Justin even more! What a stud!!

The spread!:

Ashley's fried chicken, Kelsie's rolls and salad, Tari's potatoes. . .YUM! I brought a peppermint brownie trifle for dessert. :)

My graduation present for everybody was celebration champagne glasses and peach bubbly!
Great job girls! We did it!


19 December 2011


If you follow me on Pinterest, you know I can't get enough of the hipster mustaches. I'm a sucker for anything hipster, but I will really love you if you give me something mustache-y. :) Even a finger-stache tattoo from the USU Bookstore made my day! :)

so you can understand that when I got this Christmas present I almost cried.
I will be using this cup everyday for the rest of my life! :)

18 December 2011


Last Wednesday was our last Institute Women's Association activity! I just love my girls! They are so good to me and it has seriously blessed my life being the Harmony Chapter President.

We had a night full of birthday candy bars, Zeppes, Costa Vida, and a Christmas Secret Sister gift exchange!

Connie, Maddy, Megan, Stephanie

Becky, Elisabeth, Corinne

Cassie, Sydney, Julia

Melinda, Maddy, Megan, Stephanie

Ashley, Lorissa, Beckah, Esther

Thank you so much for blessing my life so much this year! I love you!

17 December 2011


It's about this time of year where all the holiday commercials come out. Some are GREAT! and some are so ridiculous and annoying that I wonder how in the world millions of dollars and hours and hours of time are spent on making them. I've just GOT to share them with you! Everyone needs a laugh--right?

Old Navy--Seriously!!!???

Target--funny? I can't decide.

Macy's and Justin Bieber--THE best commercial EVER. I could watch it 8 million times in a row. Plus, Justin Bieber is a stud. love him! :)

Best Buy--aaannnddd then another ridiculous one. WHY!?

They do so many studies and practice-viewings--how is it possible to have SO MANY stupid commercials? I guess for every awesome commercial there's got to be 800 annoying ones??

What are some of your favorite commercials?

16 December 2011


One thing I have never had the desire to do is eat a Scotsman dog (a hamburger shaped like a hot dog). sounds nasty, yeah? even when they were free on campus I passed.
Then I finished my last final EVER yesterday and decided I better eat one before I'm not a Utah State student anymore.

It was not as bad as I thought! Glad I took the risk. . .I have can now call myself a real Aggie. ;)

Also, how can you not smile after watching this?

Utah State, hey! Aggies all the way!

15 December 2011


I'm graduating today.
Such a surreal feeling.

I've been so focused on getting done that I haven't stopped to understand the accomplishment I have achieved. and now that it's here, if i can be bold, I am so proud of myself!

I have never had to step out of my comfort zone as much as I have in college.
I have never been so independent.
I have never been so exhausted, but happy at the same time.

I have learned to make my own decisions and be proud of them.
I have learned that I can do hard things.
I have learned that I am strong and I can overcome anything.
I have learned that I have so many people who love me and are rooting for me to succeed.

I am grateful for the amazing opportunity and excited for the adventures to come!

14 December 2011

Clean the Sink

Since I'm graduating this week, I've thinking a lot about regrets or things that I needed to do before I left Logan. . .I couldn't think of too many things. I've done everything that I've set my mind to do and I have no regrets. and THAT is a good feeling! :)

One thing that I've been wanting to do all 3 years I've been here is go Clean the Sink at Angies.
I finally went with my IWA girls this semester! So. Fun!

Ice cream, Reeses, Oreos, whipped cream, caramel. . . .delish! Such a great thing to cross off my bucket list! :)

13 December 2011

cut loose

Vetoing the Institute Dance, my girl Connie and I went for a night on the town. Pita Pit and Footloose--(again!) :) I just can't get enough Kenny or enough dancing! We were both LOVING it and I was SURE everyone in the theater was making fun of my ear to ear smile! It didn't go away for days!

Then I had to try out a few of my own dance moves! :) What a fun night! :)

12 December 2011


Gilmore Girls is awesome. Everyone knows that--right! And Lorelai says it exactly how it is--exactly how i'm feeling right now. . .


From 4:01 to about 5:13. You can watch the whole episode if you want. . .(I would. :) there's some great Milo Ventimiglia action in there), but that minute says it all.

AND then, on Thursday, hopefully will be feeling like this. A little crazy, a little fake-drunk, a LOT great!:

Lorelai: I am feeling so good, sista, because it's over! No more finals, no more studying, no more school, the pressure's off. Do you know how much pressure I felt, do you? All last week I felt like a giant man and his brother were sitting on my chest.
Rory: A giant man?
Lorelai: And his giant brother.
Rory: Did they have names?
Lorelai: Clem and Clem. Huh, same names, which did not reflect well on the imagination of their mothers.
Rory: Mother.
Lorelai: Mothers. There were two Clems.
Rory: Yeah, 'cause they were brothers.
Lorelai: Yes, so they had mothers. . . .

11 December 2011


Okay kids. Netflix is, by far, THE greatest invention since sliced bread. I signed up for my free trial and I seriously died and went to heaven!

My excitement over my first dvd!

don't judge me that it's Center Stage 2: two words--Kenny. Wormald. yummm.

I also got my fill of ABCfamily videos, Melissa & Joey, Dark Angel, and Heroes!

I still can't get enough of Milo Ventimiglia.

Wow, he is a fantastic actor and beautiful man.
Thank you for many hours of entertainment and distractions from ugly homework!

01 November 2011

Oi with the poodles already!

So I've been watching Gilmore Girls again. Trying really hard not to get addicted, but Gilmore Girls is like potato chips. You can't watch just one. ;)
I finished the last half of Season 2 and started the first half of Season 3 today. Wow. I think it's too late to say I'm not addicted. Again.

BUT. this time is different. I usually cannot stand Jess. I like Dean and I love Logan.
THIS time around: Dean is a-nnoy-ing! (WHY is he ALWAYS mad and yelling at Rory?)
. . .and I have fallen in love with Jess. yum. no wonder Rory likes him.

Plus he's a really good kisser. Am I right, or am I right? ;)

Hmmmm, maybe there's a reason I love Jess this time around:

Milo Ventimiglia and Kenny Wormald

I MIGHT have to start watching Heroes again so I can get more of a Milo fix. :)

31 October 2011

Happy Halloween!

Love Sam and Dean

30 October 2011

Fall Break

Fall Break was just was the doctor ordered. I got caught up with homework, and got to spend all day Friday with my mom and two sisters. Fantastic! We started with Footloose. Um, I still haven't stopped smiling! I. loved. it.
Not to mention Kenny Wormald as Ren? Need I say more? Delish.

Then we went to Zupa's for delicious food! My favorite place to eat.

The night was still not done though: then we stopped by the Hale Center Theater to see a fantastic play full of 50's and 60's music. The Marvelous Wonderette's. So. fun. We were singing for the next two days!

And THEN we went to Target. I love Target.
It was a night full of everything that I love! I will always remember it! So happy.

29 October 2011


Hey look! New glasses!! I'm such a Hipster and I love it. :)

28 October 2011


Wow guys. College is hard. I have been so busy with group projects, studying, . . .UGH! This is my hardest semester so far. I'm sure glad this is my last semester cause I don't think I could do another!!

BUT yesterday I finished my huge Group Senior Project. We met with the clients the first day of school and have been working on it this whole semester! Yesterday we did our final presentation to the clients. I think I've been on an adrenaline rush since day 01, and now I am just exhausted--and I think I'm getting sick. blah. But the presentation went SO well! We had to design a Lecture Hall, Undergraduate Lab, Temporary Museum, and Final Museum for the Geology Department at Utah State.

Here's a few of the renderings:

This is the Lecture Hall--it was kind-of my baby; I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!

This is only a fraction of the work we put into it. My group was amazing and I'm so grateful for their friendship and hard work. :)

I only have 27 days of school left! I don't have school on Fridays so I went through my calendar and counted the days til graduation. 27. Holy cow. I hope I'm ready to graduate. I have no plan for after graduation. I've always had a plan. Now I'm going completely into the dark. I'm terrified. But then I remember this quote I heard on another blog.

Hey. You got this. Go for it.

And then I take a deep breath and say a little prayer and try to remember that God has a plan for me.

I can do anything.

24 September 2011


You know when you go to the eye doctor and they dilate your eyes? Then when you walk outside and hiss like a vampire because the sun is too bright, and you come home and close all the blinds and hide under a blanket because the reflection of the sun off the floor is just too much?
Yeah, that happened to me today.

But I got some new contacts. . .and new glasses!! Can't wait to show them to you!

22 September 2011

Happy New Year!

I love this time of year. It's just getting chilly and you don't die of heat all day. It's starting to look like fall and it SMELLS like fall!

But really, my favorite thing is the Season Premieres. This is when my year begins. . . time to pop out the Martinelli's, write new years resolutions, and spend the night watching premieres.

What shows are you guys looking forward to? Here's my top 2:

1: Supernatural (obvi)
Friday, September 23, 2011 at 8 on the CW

2. Criminal Minds (are you surprised? click here.)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'll have to watch them online since we don't have cable this year. But I'm still super excited! How can you look at this and not have your heart start beating with excitement!! ?

AHHHH! Makes me happy. :)

12 September 2011

September CES Fireside

Did you see this? It was wonderful! Sister Oaks is amazing and so cute! And Elder Oaks had some fantastic things to say! Highly recommend watching!

10 September 2011

Lord of the Rings (extended version)

For Labor Day this year I set off to spend some time with my buddies and settled in to have a Lord of the Rings marathon! It was the perfect day for staying inside (foggy) and we had great food. Overall--a great vacation day! :)

Raulon, Naomi, Me

The spread. My cookie frosting sandwiches were a hit! yay!

The nice theater set up and the boys that figured out how to make the sound work.
(Raulon, Nick, Chris)

Half-way treats.
Me n' Naomi. What a fantastic time! Thanks for having me over!

09 September 2011

My Room, My House

I LOVE the house we moved into this year. It is so darling and exactly what I have wanted to live in since I got to Logan.

I love that my room reflects who I am and it is definitely my happy place!

08 September 2011

My LAST FIRST day of school

I just had my last first day of school about 2 weeks ago! It feels so surreal. I'm taking 18 credits and will be SO busy! (I'm at school from 7:30 am to 8:30 pm on Tuesday's). But it will be worth it to be ahead of the crowd and able to start a job in December rather than May.

My first-day outfit was comfy and fun. I feel like I've really come into my skin this year. I feel comfortable with myself. I know what I like, and I'm not afraid to speak up and be confident to get what I want. I'm happy with who I've become and I think this is going to be a GREAT year!