It's official. We are now in the middle of "Tiny House Hell" as my professors and peers kindly refer to it as. We take two 3 hour studio classes and combine them to work on this huge project all semester. Our assignment is to design a house with no more than 500 sq ft on each level. We make a model out of foam core, set up the drawings in the AutoCad computer program, etc, etc, etc. Sounds fun right? You're half right. I'll probably never be able to build a house with basically any budget I want EVER in my life, so it is fun to be able to pick the materials and supplies that I want, however, i kind of feel like a little kid at her first swimming lesson. We've spent the first few weeks sticking my toe in the water, looking at the water, smelling the chlorine, swirling the water with my finger, and then the next day my teacher takes me and throws me in the deep end and says "I'll watch you from up here, let me know if you need any suggestions". And although most of the time i feel like I'm drowning, I am learning to swim and I am proud of myself. I've learned at least 2 completely new computer programs, drafting skills, and, most recently: foam core cutting skills. This is my trusty friend Mr. X-Acto Knife.
This is the foam core we make our models out of that I hope to never see again in my entire life. This is what I wish I could do with Mr. X-Acto Knife.
And this is what I actually end up doing with Mr. X-Acto Knife. :(
On another note: from now until Thanksgiving, I'll have 3 things I am grateful for/love the most at the bottom of my blog. You can get to know me better--and It will remind me of the happy things in life! :)1: fashion!!! 2: DESIGNING anything! 3.When people comment on my blog ;)
keisha-did you really cut yourself? A huge thanks from bottom of my heart for the note you sent me (in the mail no less!) It came on a day when I really needed it! I am coming to logan in a few days (sara had her baby this morning...shhh don't tell :) save a lunch at El Sol with me!
oh my gosh! did you have to get stitches? Sydney just told me she needs you to come and meet her, you should come for dinner while my mom is here cooking:)
Girls: yes i did cut myself a little bit--but don't worry-- no stitches! Andrea: you are SO welcome for the letter I'm glad you got it! Everything was true plus more--I LOVE YOU!! I'm so sad I didn't get to see you in Logan! :( Another time for SURE! Sara: I can't WAIT to your beautiful baby!! Let's plan a day! :)
Keisha, you're life is always just so full of FUN!!! I'm super happy for you and it sounds like school is rough but you're doing what you want to do and that's SO awesome! You've always been so good at designing things so I'm sure that your house is going to be the CUTEST, the COOLEST, the most AMAZING house on the block!!! Or at least in the classroom ;) lol. It was good to see you the other day girl! Lets make that happen again, but for longer!! :) LOVE YOU!
Naomi, you are so sweet! You made me feel so good! Thanks!! I was happy to see you the other day too!! Lets get together soon soon soon! i miss you and LOVE YOU!!
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