14 September 2009

A Day Full of Stories

Once upon a time in the land of Logan, two lovely ladies went for a day out in Nature. Little did they know that once they got to the land of Tony Grove that a fare of five dollars would be had of them. One of the ladies had forgotten her bag which held her wallet, but the other lady was smart and pulled out her wallet only to see that she was short one dollar. "What shall we do?" they pondered. After a while of fretting, they decided to donate the four dollars and since there was no park host, just a drop box, they had hope that no one would find out they cheated the system. They received their pass to park and enjoyed a wonderful day in nature.

Once upon a time I was so proud of myself and my good friend Cami. We braved the elements and took a day to flirt with nature.

We were happy. Nature is pretty.
And so are we!!

Once upon a time, the fairest maidens in the land were feeling brave, and continued their day in nature by going to a bon-fire with a few of their friends. They discovered a lot of new things they had never beheld before, but loved the warmth of the fire even if they didn't smell like a lady when they got home.

Once upon a time it rained and poured in Logan today! I was so soaked on the way home, but I found my friends Shalese and Beckah on the bus home and we laughed and slid all over in the bus, and then decided to go puddle jumping. We had a blast splashing and sliding in the water until we were too cold to move.


After! Once upon a time, there was a girl named Keisha who had really fun roommates who liked to do fun things and match. One day they were going to a Country Dance and Concert and two dressed the same and the other two dressed the same. . .

. . .and then on Sunday they were getting ready for church and when they were about to leave, they noticed they were all dressed in black and white!! What silly girls! :)

THE END x 5!!!

1 comment:

Sara Ann said...

You crack me up! Great stories:)