31 August 2009

Hooray for a new blog!

So, I decided that my life is incredibly funny most of the time, and since I'm away at college, I wanted to keep up with everyone, and I thought that a blog sounded pretty fun. . .so I thought I'd give it a try. I'll keep you posted on the crazy life of an Interior Design Major and the fun things I do to get away from being an interior design major sometimes. ;) Let me know if you have a great idea for me to blog about, or just read and have fun laughing!


Sara Ann said...

yay I am glad you are doing this! It will be fun to read about all of your adventures:)

Andrea Brown said...

I am so happy that you got sucked into the blogging world. I can't wait to read about your adventures at USU. Sigh...I love that place! I love your blog name!

Stephanie said...

Very clever blog name. Count me in as a faithful follower.

keisha egbert said...

Thanks guys!! You are so sweet! I'm so excited to start! We'll see if I end up having time ;). I got a lot of good ideas from your blogs Andrea and Sara!! :)