29 October 2009

Skeletons for Halloween

When I went home last weekend, there was this creepy skeleton in the bath tub. This skeleton began about 6 inches tall and grew and grew in the water until he was too big for the sink, so he was moved into the bath tub until he started smelling really bad and we had to throw him away--but don't worry we got pictures before!!!!!

3 things i love the most!!:

NORAH JONES(beautiful singer!)


27 October 2009

Pumpkins, Birthdays, and Snow!

This is what I woke up to today:

At first I groaned a bit, but then I started to smile and I haven't stopped all day! I love the snow, the cold, and the beautiful way it makes campus look!:

Yesterday my friends Cami and Kamille came over and we attempted to carve pumpkins. I've never carved a whole pumpkin by myself before, so this was a new adventure for me. Here's how mine turned out!! :)

He's so cute! and my friend Rachael Ray taught me how to make gourmet pumpkin seeds and they were DELICIOUS!! She also taught me that if you put cinnamon or another delicious smell on the bottom of the lid of the pumpkin, it will smell up your whole house when you light the candle! Brilliant right? I thought so!
Here's Kamille and Cami and I with our cute pun'kins.

Story number 3: Last year my roommate Erin got me addicted to the band Hanson, and just being our goofy self's, we would celebrate the Hanson boys birthdays for them. Well, Erin wasn't here this year, so I had to celebrate without her. :( But don't worry, she was here in spirit (and in a drawing). :)

Here is Erin with the birthday banner and the cake mix cookie and candle!

We did all the things Zac Hanson would have loved to do on his birthday. Who knew he loved painting nails and watching chick flicks?
Erin's nails:

and mine:

3 things I love most/am grateful for:


My Laptop!!!

22 October 2009

Tiny House: the first of many blogs of a USU Interior Design Student

It's official. We are now in the middle of "Tiny House Hell" as my professors and peers kindly refer to it as. We take two 3 hour studio classes and combine them to work on this huge project all semester. Our assignment is to design a house with no more than 500 sq ft on each level. We make a model out of foam core, set up the drawings in the AutoCad computer program, etc, etc, etc. Sounds fun right? You're half right. I'll probably never be able to build a house with basically any budget I want EVER in my life, so it is fun to be able to pick the materials and supplies that I want, however, i kind of feel like a little kid at her first swimming lesson. We've spent the first few weeks sticking my toe in the water, looking at the water, smelling the chlorine, swirling the water with my finger, and then the next day my teacher takes me and throws me in the deep end and says "I'll watch you from up here, let me know if you need any suggestions". And although most of the time i feel like I'm drowning, I am learning to swim and I am proud of myself. I've learned at least 2 completely new computer programs, drafting skills, and, most recently: foam core cutting skills.

This is my trusty friend Mr. X-Acto Knife.

This is the foam core we make our models out of that I hope to never see again in my entire life.

This is what I wish I could do with Mr. X-Acto Knife.

And this is what I actually end up doing with Mr. X-Acto Knife. :(

On another note: from now until Thanksgiving, I'll have 3 things I am grateful for/love the most at the bottom of my blog. You can get to know me better--and It will remind me of the happy things in life! :)

1: fashion!!!

2: DESIGNING anything!

3.When people comment on my blog ;)

19 October 2009

peace. love. happiness.

Five of the "things i LOVE most":

DISNEYLAND and everything about it

Halloween and carving pumpkins

Newly painted toes. . .

07 October 2009

nineTEEN no more!

So a couple of days ago I realized that in about 4 months, I will be turning 20 and will have lived through all my teen years!! It feels so weird--I still feel 16! :) So my sentimental self wants to live out my teen years to the fullest--so I want all your IDEAS, FEEDBACK, OR ANYTHING ELSE that you think absolutely needs to be done before I'm never a teenager again! I have 4 months--what should I do with them? Comment, comment, comment!!!

01 October 2009

Dumpster Diving

So a few weeks ago I decided to be a good roommate and take out the 2 huge bags of garbage out to the dumpster before class. Everything was going well: I threw the first bag in just fine and then I was hauling the other bag over my head and the plastic wrapped around my big ring and ripped it off my finger and into the dumpster!! I was devastated! I loved that ring. :( But don't you worry. I called up my good friend Cami and asked if she wanted an adventure. She agreed, if not a little worried, but I assured her she would just be holding the door while I dug in the dumpster.
So that night when I got home I hauled a chair over to the dumpster (which luckily hadn't been emptied yet) and jumped in. I sorted through all the disgusting sticky garbage for what seemed like forever while Cami laughed up a storm. While I was searching, Cami's laugh brought over a pair of the nicest people. They asked if I was looking for my wedding ring. . .and so as not to look pathetic, and thinking they would just leave with a "good luck" I lied and said--Yes, i'm looking for my wedding ring. Well, they didn't leave, and stayed until I found my non-wedding ring, so I had to confess that I really hadn't been looking for my wedding ring, and I felt bad. :( BUT good news--I found my ring!!! YAY!! I am soooo happy! and it ended up being a great memory!! :) Thanks for your help Cami!!